The Autumn 2011 meeting of the OOG was held as part of EVER at the Creta Maris Convention Centre near Heraklion, Crete, between the 6th and 9th October.
Please click HERE for the minutes of the Business meeting, written by the President of the OOG, Professor Sarah Coupland. Extracts from the Programme Book are shown below. Saturday, 8th October 2011 11:00 - 12:30 Second Morning SessionJOINT M. OOG Presentations 1 Danae RJW de Keizer, Nikolaos E. Bechrakis 11:00 Moulin AP, Zografos L�Lausanne TRPM1 and MITF expression in conjunctival melanocytic proliferations 11:10 Missotten G, De Keizer RJW, Spileers W, Blank L�Leuven, University, Amsterdam Strontium brachytherapy in conjunctival melanoma 11:20 Coupland SE, Baudo MM, Lake SL, Kalirai H, Damato BE �Liverpool Chromosomal alterations in iris melanoma 11:30 De Keizer RJW, Rassaq L, Marinkovic M, Verbist B, Versluis M, Van Duinen SG, Luyten GPM�Leiden Role of 3.0 Tesla MRI in diagnosis and treatment planning of iridociliary and choroidal melanocytic tumours 11:40 Bechrakis NE, Giatromanolaki A, Sivridis E, Charitoudis G- Innsbruck, Alexandroupolis, Berlin Autophagic activity in uveal melanomas 11:50 Van den Bosch T, Van Beek J, Vaarwater J, Verdijk R, Naus N, Paridaens D, De Klein A, Kilic E- Rotterdam Percentage of aberrant cells in uveal melanoma correlates with the patient�s prognosis 12:00 Angi M, Kalirai H, Baudo MM, Biddolph S, Coupland SE, Damato BE� Liverpool Genetic and histological heterogeneity in uveal melanoma: a peculiar case 12:08 Mouriaux F, Diorio C, Bergeron D, Berchi C, Rousseau A- Qu�bec, Caen Are liver function tests relevant for early detection of liver metastasis of uveal melanoma? 13:45 - 15:15 FIRST AFTERNOON SESSION JOINT M. OOG PRESENTATIONS 2 Danae Edoardo MIDENA, Nathalie CASSOUX 13:45 PARROZZANI R, PILOTTO E, DARIO A, MIGLIONICO G, MIDENA E�Roma, Padova PCR-based circulating melanoma cells detection in uveal melanoma 13:55 DESJARDINS L, LEVY C, LUMBROSO LE ROUIC L, CASSOUX N, PIPERNO-NEUMANN S, MARIANI P, SERVOIS V, DENDALE R, PLANCHER C, ASSELAIN B�Paris Adjuvant intravenous therapy by fotemustine in uveal melanoma: a randomised study 14:05 DAMATO BE, HOPE-STONE L, SALMON P�Liverpool Quality of life after treatment of uveal melanoma 14:15 HEIMANN H, KENAWY N, DAMATO BE�Liverpool Verteporfi n photodynamic therapy of retinal optic disc haemangioma 14:25 CASSOUX N, ASSAYAG F, NEMATI F, FONTAINE JJ, AERTS I�Paris, Maison Alfort Development of new models of orthotopic primary human retinoblastoma xenografts 14:35 HADJISTILIANOU D, DE FRANCESCO S, RENIERI A, MENCARELLI MA, MAROZZA A, DE LUCA M, MICHELI L, MENICACCI C, CERASE A, GALLUZZI P�Siena CNS abnormalities in retinoblastoma patients 14:45 MIDENA E, PARROZZANI R, DARIO A, MIGLIONICO G, BISOGNO G, FLORA GP�Padova, Roma, San Don� di Piave Propranolol in the management of orbital and periocular pediatric hemangioma 14:55 VAN GINDERDEUREN R, MISSOTTEN G, VAN DEN OORD J�Leuven Puzzling case of choroidal tumour: paraganglioma or neuroendocrine carcinoma, diagnosis and treatment options 16:30 - 18:00 SECOND AFTERNOON SESSION JOINT M. OOG : BUSINESS MEETING Danae Sarah COUPLAND Agenda 1. Minutes of previous Business Meeting (Copenhagen, April 2011) 2. OOG elections 3. Financial report 4. OOG Website update 5. Nominations for membership to OOG 6. Update on current collaborative studies/new proposals 7. Details of next OOG Meetings 8. Any Other Business (AOB) 9. Closure of Business Meeting Prof. Frederic Mouriaux (left) and Prof. Edoardo Midena (right) collecting Certificates of Appreciation, as they step down from the OOG Committee as former Treasurer and President.