WelcomeThe Ophthalmic Oncology Group (OOG) is an independent scientific group devoted to clinical ophthalmic oncology and related basic-science research.
The aims of the OOG are to:
Membership payment
The OOG annual membership fee is 30 EUR.
Please click here to download the payment details or email Dr Ulrich Pfeffer to pay your fees. Donations by third parties are welcome and may be paid in the same manner. Victoria Cohen OOG Travel Grant
Miss Victoria M.L Cohen, MA (Cantab) MB BChir FRCOphth (1970 - 2020) was Director of the National Ocular Oncology Service at Moorfields Eye Hospital and St Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK. Vicky was a leading Consultant Ocular Oncologist and President of ISOO at the time of her death. She believed passionately in equality, diversity, and educating the next generation. The Victoria Cohen Eye Cancer Charitable Trust, named in her memory, supports aspiring ocular oncologists with the costs associated with their fellowship. The charity is also funding two travel grants in the amount of EUR 1000 each to support ocular oncologists currently in training to attend OOG Stockholm. The Victoria Cohen Eye Cancer Charitable Trust helps aspiring ocular oncologists by awarding scholarships to those in need of financial assistance for their fellowships, anywhere in the world. Full details on the charity and how to apply can be found HERE and direct via the charity website: www.vcecct.org |
NewsNext meeting: 59th meeting, Genoa, Italy, 3-6 April 2025
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58th meeting, Stockholm 2024OOG studies
Stålhammar G, Vishnevskia-Dai V, Verdijk RM, Moulin A. Expert Opinions on Uveal Melanoma: Insights from the 58th Ophthalmic Oncology Group Meeting. Ocul Oncol Pathol. 2024. https://doi.org/10.1159/000541016
van Poppelen N, Cassoux N, Turunen JA, et al. The Pediatric and Young Adult Choroidal and Ciliary Body Melanoma Genetic Study, A Survey by the European Ophthalmic Oncology Group. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2024;65:1-9. https://doi.org/10.1167/iovs.65.4.12 Cunha Rola A, Taktak A, Eleuteri A, et al. Multicenter External Validation of the Liverpool Uveal Melanoma Prognosticator Online: An OOG Collaborative Study. Cancers (Basel). 2020;12:477. doi:10.3390/cancers12020477 Jouhi S, Jager MJ, de Geus SJR, et al. The Small Fatal Choroidal Melanoma Study. A Survey by the European Ophthalmic Oncology Group. Am J Ophthalmol. 2019;202:100-108. doi.org/10.1016/j.ajo.2019.01.031 Kivelä TT, Piperno-Neumann S, Desjardins L, et al. Validation of a prognostic staging for metastatic uveal melanoma: a collaborative study of the European Ophthalmic Oncology Group. Am J Ophthalmol. 2016;168:217–226. doi.org/10.1016/j.ajo.2016.06.002 Al-Jamal RT, Cassoux N, Desjardins L, et al. The Pediatric Choroidal and Ciliary Body Melanoma Study: A Survey by the European Ophthalmic Oncology Group. Ophthalmology. Apr 2016;123(4):898-907. doi.org/10.1016/j.ophtha.2015.12.024 |
MEMBERSHIP AREAMembership is open to clinicians and basic scientists working in the field of ophthalmic oncology and a willingness to contribute to the OOG. |
INFORMATION AREAThis area offers information about tumours, tests and treatments, as well as access to the specialist centres across Europe. |
PRACTITIONER AREAThis private members area has been developed to provide practitioners with access to case studies, general information, and to facilitate open discussion. |